Upskilling your Employees-6 ways to upskill your workforce

Going with the flow of technological advancement is a challenge as well as the opportunity for many companies. Today any businesses want to taste success; then their workforce must need new skills, especially digital skills.

It would help if you upskilled your workforce, so they take benefits from new digital tools before your competitors do.

There are several advantages if you are going to upskilling your workforce

  • To defeat new entrants
  • Achievement of long-term survival & sustainability
  • Cope with the changes
  • To defeat new entrants
  • To maximize earnings

Here are six ways to upskill your workforce:

Do invest in online training courses:

As you know, COVID-19 is flowing everywhere. Perhaps many of your employees, doing your organizational work by sitting at their residences. 

It is the right time to involve a member of your organization in online training courses. This will be the easiest solution for you speedily raise the skills of your workforce. 

upskilling your workforce through online training
Online training for employees
Image Credit- OMI

According to a study, there is more than 45% per cent of top-notch companies use online training platforms to lift the skills of their employees.  If we talk about TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), a reputed blue-chip company of India, when they changed their training manual from traditional to modern, they saved more than $1000 USD.

It is the most flexible approach. You don’t have the compulsion to train your employees from 10 to 6. Your employees can learn whenever they can and as per your organization’s convenience. 

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Micro-learning is a paramount way to upskilling your workforce. It is more fruitful than giving online training courses. It includes providing education to your employees in which they are specialized. 

This is the perfect way to uplift your workforce skills. Neither it takes more resources nor do your necessary staffs take too much time away from their duties. 

It is a flexible way of learning. Your staff can learn all these skills after their duty hour. 

Through this, you can save time as well as your employee gain knowledge which will be an added advantage to your company.

Retraining your employees

When your organization invests in the new technology, your employees also need to cope and socialize with it. When you hire, sometimes you find they aren’t enough qualified in the technical knowledge. 

According to the Career Builder survey, more than 60% per cent of the company cannot fill their position with capable candidates.

Your organization have bunch of talented people. However, they haven’t landed their steps in training. Therefore, why don’t you go for retraining? After all, they already socialize and integrate with your workplace.  The advantages of retraining maintain loyalty towards your organization; the employee will cope with future challenges. Furthermore, they also help you to achieve the organizational goal.

Job Rotation

Several renowned companies like Microsoft, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Infosys apply the practice of rotating jobs to uplift the skill of their employees. 

It is the perfect practice of moving employees between jobs in different branches of a particular organization. It is a great way to acquire knowledge without investing anything. 

Infosys company Bengaluru
Infosys company Bengaluru

Employees’ minds get bored working at the same chair and positions. It is challenging, as well as motivating. It fosters employees to show his/her extra abilities.  For instance, if you are working as a manager, and very soon you are going to hold the Senior Manager of your company, so at that time job, rotation is must for you to see the overall picture of the organization.

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Focus on your Experts

In every organization, some employees are technically astonishing. They are more dedicated and devoted to their organization than some other employees. 

They all are the valuable performing assets of your organization, so you need to focus on them and offer those special skills and training for your organization as well as their development. 

If they are adequately trained, they surely help you to grow the business abundantly.

Make a Culture of Learning

Learning never takes a break. Doesn’t matter if your age is 15 or 55; you stay stuck with learning till the end of your life. 

Building a culture of continuous learning is a fruitful signal of your organization. You can train or involves your employees in some extra projects twice or thrice a month. Due to this, they will quickly adapt to the habit of learning and compete with any upcoming technological challenges. 

Whether your business managers, supervisors, front-line worker, or you are the CEO/owner; everybody adopt the habit of learning. 

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