Retargeting vs. Remarketing: What is the difference?

Are you in dilemma or confused about the difference between Retargeting vs. Remarketing?

You are not all alone…

They both are similar goals and are dependent on each other. Just keeps in your mind. They both are quite different…

Here we are going to talk about what is and Retargeting vs. Re-Marketing. What is the difference. Stick with us. Don’t go anywhere.

Similarities and Differences between Retargeting and Remarketing

Retargeting and Remarketing tools are pretty much awesome. Without Retargeting and remarketing we fail to achieve our goals. They both are very fruitful for brand awareness and conversion.

We can say conducting business without retargeting and remarketing advertising is like having a light in our room but no electricity.

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Retargeting and Remarketing are similar because they both establish the same goals

  • Target audience who already know about your product and brand
  • Keep in touch with regular customers who likely to do purchase
  • Create Brand awareness and recognition.

Here are some tactics used by experts to accomplish their goals

Re-targeting using paid ads to retain your customers or audiences who already visited your profiles.

 Re-Marketing normally uses email to retain past customers who earlier have been involved in a business with your product.

Let’s make a deeper dive into these two market segmentation.

What is Re-Targeting?

Retargeting is a re-engagement technique that indulges executing online ad, or visual ad, promotional event that work to target consumers who previously interrelated with a company’s website.

For instance, if you have ever visited any website and later saw an ad while visiting some other sites or scrolling through social content channels like Facebook; then you experienced re-targeting.

Re-Targeting Image – KAPLAN

Retargeting allows the site user to take some action to trigger the retargeting ad

This could be involved clicking on a particular product, placing an item in your shopping cart, or visiting a particular site page (such as a pricing page) several times.

Here are some example of retargeting strategies for a clothing brand

  • The brand adds a Facebook and Google pixel
  • Customer visits the brands “Winter Dress Collections”
  • In particular the same customers leave the site without making any performance or action
  • While visiting other pages, consumers who visited the brand’s “Winter Dresses” page would see re-targeting advertisements promoting new summer dresses.
  • The particular product or brand can display the ad with the coupon of winter dresses.

As per the sources, there are only 2% percent of visitors of the website transform from their first visit to the website.

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What is Re-Marketing?

Remarketing refers to the practice of approaching and re-engaging current or former consumers based on their previous purchases or actions. Usually, Remarketing uses email to reconnect with audiences.

For instance, Airbnb uses Facebook remarketing to re-attract their site visitors and persuade them to purchase.

But for most of the parts, the re-marketing strategist refers to the technique of reestablishing networks with past customers through email.

It includes:

  • Showcase sales or deals of the products related to previous acquisitions by the consumer.
  • Promotes products and services relate to customers past purchases
  • Introducing a new offer that connects the customer’s past purchases
  • Reminding the customer they have something on their cart
  • Providing a coupon when customers have not involves in purchase for the past week or months.
  • Include a discount coupon when a consumer has not purchased in a matter of weeks or months.

Retargeting and retargeting both are prominent tools that drive conversions from the audiences. They both are fruitful and result-driven in many ways.

As per the reports, more than 80% percent of customers are likely to make a purchase after the target emails and its campaigns could bring a 760% increment in revenue which is fabulous.

Re-Targeting or Remarketing: Which is better?

When we compare and talk about re-targeting or re-marketing; you must remember they both are result-driven approach and have the same goal

Re-targeting has completely focused on paid ads. It has a variety of forms and can target a wide range of customers.

Re-targeting totally depends on email campaigns, reaching out to those consumers or customers who already interact with your brand or products.

So which best suits your businesses? It totally depends on the types of market segmentation you are using to achieve your goals

You better use re-targeting

  • Your goal is to attract new customers
  • You driving a lot of sites but don’t set of conversions
  • You do not have lists of the email of the concerned prospects

You better use re-marketing

  • You want to re-attract your past customers
  • You don’t want to invest in ads
  • You already have a list of emails.

Eventually, you don’t have to choose either re-marketing or re-strategy. Both are prominent tools that make your goal achievable. You can use both strategies at the same time and can generate revenue. Both are result-driven approaches.

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