Relevance of SEO Strategy in Nepalese Market after COVID-19

Due to the global pandemic, COVID-19 shut all the doors of digital marketing and SEO in lockdown mode. It makes our life complicated and troublesome. Not only the SEO businesses but other businesses likes travel, banks, merchandising, hybrid, corporation, manufacturing, corporation and cooperatives are badly affected.

In the meantime, wearing masks, washing hands, using sanitisers, having gloves on your hand and at least 6 feet of distance is a common behaviour of the public.

If we are talking about the Nepali business, the majority of the businesses are suffering from a huge financial crisis because the nation is in lockdown mode.

Although, some businesses are adopted the practice of remote working, unfortunately, some organizations including SEO businesses too are completely shut down.

As it says, Hope never dies. Instead of giving up, you must utilize your current time and may think, about how to fight back and excel in your business and job once again.

Many developed countries like the USA, UK, European nations, and India are all set to start their fall business in a productive after post-COVID-19. They have some fruitful strategies to bounce back in business, maximize earnings and acquire the same position as earlier they had.

Likewise, in some other developed and highly developing nations Nepal SEO experts and digital marketers have also made a plan to cope with market challenges and opportunities after COVID-19.

Evaluate your current SEO strategy

When the pandemic ends; the very first thing you must evaluate and re-construct your existing SEO strategies. However; the things which were similar before the pandemic may not be similar today.

SEO Strategy in Nepalese Market after COVID-19
SEO Strategy in Nepalese Market after COVID-19

Prior to thinking of any new campaigns, you must set your future goals and think about how I balance your earnings from your existing business.

Furthermore, you must know how your competitors are involving and via which strategy you can beat your competitors. Go for Google Analytics or you can also take help of a Top SEO Expert.

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Fresh, Unique and High-quality content

As you landed your steps in the SEO business after the lockdown, you must create fresh and relevant content.

If your content is of good quality and fresh, then Google admires it and you can rank your site on SERPs.

Therefore visit your old content, rewrite and update them as per the demand. For instance, you can add photos, links and a couple of paragraphs.

Research new Keywords

Keywords is the best tool to achieve your goal in the SEO business. After the pandemic ends, you will find new keywords which may include COVID, Pandemic, Coronavirus, social distance and several others.

Research on Keywords
Research on Keywords
Image Credit- Searchenginelands

For instance, if you have a medical shop, then consumers may search face masks, hand sanitizers, hand gloves and other products which you are going to offer.

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Redesign your Website

After post COVID, you have to survive among your competitors, because you have to excel in your business, to gain competitive advantages from your businesses. For all these, you must establish and redesign your website. Keep in mind, your website should be user friendly and pages shouldn’t take a long time to load on PC either in mobile too.

Hire top SEO Expert

The bitter truth about a pandemic is that it shut down all businesses. After COVID, when you are re-starting your business you need some professional employees to obtain a fruitful result.

For all this, you need a talented SEO Expert who will help you to grow your business and gives good revenue to your business.

If you do not make a plan for hiring an expert; then you can make a connection so he/she can provide you a valuable tips to run your business smoothly and steadily.

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Targeted some keywords related to Corona Virus

After post-COVID, you can add some keywords related to the Coronavirus. For instance, if you running a health or medical website, then your keywords may be the quarantine, treatment during corona, medication of corona, neck pain during corona, diarrhoea and sore throat, headache, tiredness and fever because of the corona, loss of taste or smell and several others.

Go for a Local SEO

When the pandemic ends, you better go for a local SEO. By making a proper strategy, you can gain lots of advantages from local SEO.

Some businesses like travel and tourism highly focus on local SEO, and this makes the local search much more appropriate and significant. You must sure you update with the latest opening hours.

Optimum Balance between short-term and long-term goals

Even though, Corona does not give us a threat now but the future is uncertain.  Therefore, we must have to make an optimum balance between short-term and long-term goals.

We must publish content; that relates to COVID-19. Your content may include, what is Corona and how it affects your business. Furthermore, some of the questions may be ask by your customers.

Answer Key Question

Frequently asked questions are relatively significant for your websites or businesses. It gives you a great chance to increase traffic and visibility, and generate revenue for your business.

As your customer or people never spent a lot of time online. You must be sure the content you create provides the answer to the key questions.

Focus on Conversion

It is known to everyone; every website turns down during COVID-19. As this pandemic imbalances everything, it doesn’t mean that SEO experts do not focus on conversion, calculation and optimization.

This pandemic leads you to set a new strategy to run your existing business smoothly and steadily. If more people, not landing on your websites; you must be concentrate on getting much more conversions. Here are some means through which to increase conversion rates

  • Use Pop Up
  • Make a sidebar widget
  • Use plugin for content download like Woo Commerce and Duplicator

As you devoted some time during the pandemic; go for these strategies

  • Update and modify your content
  • Optimum balance between short and long-term goals
  • Update your Google Business profile
  • Go for long-tail keywords and internal links.

Related: How to become an SEO Professional?